Read below on how to use and care for the Ferba thermos.
If you are reading this, I will assume you own one of these thermos'... I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am! As always, the better you take care of things the longer they last; so read through these tips to ensure your thermos will last you a good long time.
If you have any questions or concerns, just send an email to and we will be more than happy to help.
#1 - Care Instructions
-Before using, wash your thermos by hand with warm water and a little soap.
-I would also recommend rinsing/washing the thermos after each use and letting it air dry before storing.
-When drying, remove each part (cap, top screw, bottom screw, and handle) to ensure it dries all the way.
#2 - How to keep beverages hot for longer
If you pour boiling hot water into a cold or room temp thermos, the water will cool down because the temperature of the thermos was lower than that of the water.
To prevent this, pour about 1/2 cup of hot water into the thermos, close it, and let stand for about 5 min. Pour the water out and then fill thermos with hot water (or beverage of your choice).
#3 - Pouring
A new thermos will sometimes not want to pour nicely and this can be frustrating. I have some tips to help you! I have used a Ferba thermos for well over 3 years now and I can say the older it gets the better it works ;)
Once you've filled your thermos and screwed the top back on, turn the spout in a circle while pulling upwards (opening it). This will ensure it is completely open. Face spout forward and pour.
Another handy tip is to slightly loosen the top screw so it isn't flush with the second screw. This will allow air flow and improve the pouring.
*Please note: The thermos does not pour steadily like a pitcher; it wasn't designed to. It was made specifically for yerba mate drinkers and when filling the maté, a slow pour is ideal so as to not overfill the cup.
"Yerba Mate - a liquid hug for your brain."
And that's it!
Thanks for reading! Hope this post helped you by giving you the info you were looking for. If you still have questions, just send me an email at and let me help. Cheers! -Marta