Born in Paraguay, but grew up in Canada, I have always had a taste for the Yerba Mate so many of us love. Had it from young on.
It all started when a close friend of mine talked to me about making Yerba Mate more available in my region here in Ontario... that idea sparked this business. I love it, helping people like me who love Yerba Mate to get the Yerba they need and other related products.
The name Ferba came from my brother who suggested a few names, Ferba was one of them. It was simple and easy to remember.
As we grow the company, we hope to bring value to people especially to those who drink Yerba Mate by providing relevant products. Our goal is to provide Yerba Mate fans with high-quality products that reflect their lifestyle and their passion for healthy drinks and good products to go along with it.
We will aim to continually improve our products, our quality, our selection, the variety of apparel offered, and promote the Yerba Mate experience and community.
This site is for you - we hope you find something that you are looking for, that reflects your interests, passion, and style. That's what we do.